Book Cover:

The objective of this project was to select a famous couple, real or fictional, break down their relationship into its core principles, then create a book cover that would communicate that.  For my couple, I chose Villanelle and Eve from the show "Killing Eve." The nature of their relationship is complicated, but above all it is one of obsession and danger.  I chose to model my cover after a tarot card, an object use to predict a person's future as it's clear their relationship is doomed from the start. I chose a poppy flower as the main focus because it symbolizes death and addiction.  The poppy is surrounded by a beaming sun, the Sun card of a tarot deck represents fulfillment and happiness.  By having the sun surround the poppy, it shows that the couple is fulfilled by the obsession and death that the relationship brings.  Tarot cards are what influenced my design choices, they often opt for a centered design that uses bold colors, simple line art and dashed lines, enclosed by a rounded rectangle.


Type Fundamentals Book


Poster Set