Poster Set:

The material of this project was centered around a song of our choosing, the first step was to select a word from the song and create a logotype that would visually represent its meaning. Based on this logotype, we created a postmodern grid that would serve as the framework for the remaining space, allowing us to display lyrics, titles, or key words in a unique way. For the second poster, we chose images that were similar in theme to the song, and once again developed a postmodern grid to display the text. I chose a photo and color that would compliment the feminine, dreamy vibe of the song itself. On the type poster, I chose to arrange most of the text on simple vertical axes, as the logo itself was already fairly busy. For the image based poster, I included less text and a simpler logo so that I could make use of of the angled axes comfortably.


Book Cover


6 Step Guide